Sunday, June 10, 2018

From 3 to 4

The 3+ inches pictured above are but one measure of the past year. So much has happened from 3 to 4 for Amelia. Life did not stop, slow down, or make it easy. In the midst of everything...moving from Boone to Durham, new school, new friends, new church, new house, new, new, new...Amelia has thrived. I'm not saying it has been easy, that there haven't been tear-filled nights, fits of rage, the silent treatment, late nights and early mornings. What am I saying? That through it all Amelia has grown, learned, struggled, cried, laughed, and loved.

I'm so proud of who Amelia is and has become. Naturally, we're selfish little beasts. Our own self-interests outweigh those of others....No! That's mine. She's in my space! I want it now! I don't want to share! However, many more times than not...she's there to help: with the laundry, hold her sister's hand, welcome a new friend, say hello to a stranger, ask how we can short...figure it out

So happy birthday Amelia! I hope you're new town is ready for you, and here's a wish for all of us: May we all be more like Amelia. Write a card to a neighbor. Give an awesome high five. Tell a terrible knock-knock joke. Talk to a stranger. Help others. Run and laugh until you can hardly breathe. Wonder in amazement at just how awesome life is (side note: I wish I had a picture of how hysterical and maniacal Amelia was at the pool this weekend!). In short, love! You probably won't grow 3+ inches this year, but how else will you grow?

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