Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...

For those of you who don’t truly know me (if there are any readers who fit that description), I absolutely adore holidays of any kind.  If I can celebrate it, I’m in.  I like special occasions, large or small, acknowledged by others or not, half birthdays included.  I will admit that Leslie Knope, with her color coded binders, gifts for every day of the year and seemingly unending time to devote to these celebrations, definitely has me beat in the celebrating things category.  However, not many people do.
      So, this week has been book-ended by two celebratory events; Super Bowl Sunday and Valentine’s Day.  Ironically, these are two “special” occasions that many people either choose to ignore or choose to loudly and actively criticize.  To each their own and all of that.  I will not claim that these two days of the year, like all days of the year, do not have their faults.  Super Bowl Sunday especially has dark secrets that need to be brought to mainstream consciousness and addressed. 
      That being said, we did have a Super Bowl party, but our only Valentine plans involve going to see what will, of course, be an instant classic and Oscar contender, Zoolander 2. 
      My point in this particular rambling is not to say that we should make a huge production of everything or that we should engage in stress related to decorations, gifts or planned celebrations.  My point is that we have so many things in life and in our neighborhood, town, country and global community that are stressful, so many days that don’t go the way we want, so many tough situations/sicknesses/losses/fights to overcome, so many tragedies.  As far as I’m concerned, we don’t take enough time to celebrate.  Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, any and every day is given to us as an opportunity to be thankful, to look back over the experiences we’ve had and to mark that time. 
      I would be remiss if I didn't at least acknowledge that today is Ash Wednesday.  This is another day in which we mark time.  I understand and appreciate how important it is to be aware of days that aren't necessarily celebrations, but are observances.  Ash Wednesday reminds us that from dust we come and to dust we will return.  Ash Wednesday, though, also reminds us that we are participating in a season where we are lucky to know that Sunday is coming.  Easter Sunday, with all of it's wonder, joy and love is coming...

      Back to my not-so-serious rambling of the day...Valentine’s Day is one of those celebrations where people have the misguided notion that if they aren’t in a romantic relationship, then they can’t celebrate.  Not true!  I couldn’t and wouldn’t argue that candy and greeting card companies are benefiting from this holiday, but that doesn’t have to take away from what this day can be.  It can truly be an opportunity to celebrate love; love that could be romantic or friendship based or familial or agape or any other relationship you can claim.  It can be a chance to celebrate love that has been, that will be or that could be, not just that currently is.  So, celebrate!  After all, it is Valentine’s Day Eve-Eve-Eve-Eve!

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