Thursday, January 21, 2016

That's Not How "The Force" Works

      Like most of the country, we have been swept up in Star Wars mania with the release of the new chapter in Star Wars, “The Force Awakens.”  Adam had a Star Wars themed 34th birthday and Christmas.  We saw the movie on opening night in the lovely Boone movie theater.  BB-8 has become a fixture in our house.  Amelia’s vocabulary contains both “BB-8” and “Star Wars.”  I can’t say that it’s all because of Adam, but he is, in this case, the ringleader.  I’ve heard praise and complaint about “The Force Awakens.”  In our theater, people applauded so much during our first viewing that we actually missed some dialogue and I feel like it’s a safe bet to say that this audience absolutely loved it.  It was exactly what I wanted in this particular Star Wars movie.  I now have different expectations for the next release.
     Now that I’ve seen seven Star Wars films, six of them more times than I care to admit in this post, there are quite a few themes that I’ve noticed, quite a few things I’ve put together.  While I could wax poetically about the force and drone on for longer than any of you would read, I will concentrate on “The Force Awakens” for the time being.  Going back to a galaxy far, far away can teach us a few things.  Here is what I learned from “The Force Awakens”…

1. Never walk on a suspended bridge inside an Empire or First Order ship, especially not if someone else has a lightsaber.  There are no nets to catch you under those things and it’s a pretty safe bet that if someone has a lightsaber, they’re not afraid to use it.
2. A lightsaber going through snow sounds just as awesome as when it goes through anything else.
3. We can’t just hope to use the force when we don’t have a plan.  As Han Solo so eloquently put it “that’s not how the force works.”
4. Rey’s ability to use the force to tell people to do things is already creepier/stronger, albeit more awkward, than Obi Wan Kenobi’s “this is not the droid you’re looking for.” 
5. All evil ships have trash compactors on board.  
6.  There’s always a way to blow things up.
7. If you don’t want to be found, you shouldn’t leave a map.
8. Three buns going down the back of your head rather than one on each side might not be as iconic, but is much more practical for fighting the evils of the galaxy.
9. Rey deserves her own action figure.
10. As long as there’s light, there’s hope.

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