Katy, Amelia, Eleanor, Scout, and I are moving to Durham, North Carolina. I have taken a job with Duke University within the Office of Research Support as Assistant Director of International Projects. I will join a team to help Duke manage their grant funded international research projects. It's a great opportunity. Katy is interviewing with Durham Public, Chapel Hill City, and Wake County Schools for a Speech Language Pathologist position. We've found Amelia and Eleanor a daycare, and secured some temporary housing.
But back to the house...
This was our first home. We've had many good nights, and some rough ones. However, they were all nights in our house that helped shaped who we have become over the last two years. We've had three years in Boone. We've made many friendships. We'll miss church, work, daycare, and our neighborhood.
Katy and I made a lot of memories here with cookouts, football games, Christmases, walks through the neighborhood, and hard work. Amelia learned how to grow baby dirt...that's what she called the first vegetable and fruit plants that we grew. She skinned her knee riding her tricycle. Scout had al the space she wanted to escape her human sisters when they were too loud or had dressed her up enough. Eleanor was brought home from the hospital to this house. Already she's begun rolling over, babbling, and playing with toys. Our girls have grown here, and so have we as a family unit.
We will retreat from the mountains and get back to city life. It's the right time for us to do this together, and it will take all of us working together to do it well. We feel that it is what's best for our family, and we will undertake our move with faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
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