Saturday, August 29, 2015

Babies Make The World Go Round

In 1997, there was a song released - 'Gangsters Make The World Go Round'. However...I think the Westside Connection may be wrong.

One of the things I've learned over the last 24 months is that there's one baby that makes my world go round right now. Today, in the midst of a nice little Saturday of breakfast, yard work, birthday parties, and shopping, I was struck by just how much babies grease the wheels of the economy.

While we were walking through the mall this morning - yes, we went to the mall in the morning because we have a 14 month old - Amelia was grabbing a clothes mainly because she loves the colors and how the clothes feel. Meanwhile, I was reaching for my wallet...why? Well, because Amelia was doing what most babies do...growing like crazy. It's a vicious cycle: we buy food, she eats food (sometimes Scout shares in the spoils), we buy diapers, she plays, she drinks, she sleeps, and all the while she grows, which - don't get me wrong - I'm very thankful for.

However, I couldn't help but think about how the economy benefits from her growth. Babies require a lot of stuff, and the stuff gets purchased; whether the goods come from Amazon, Target, Walmart, Old Navy, boutique stores, stores from days of yore (for all of you Friends fans out there), consignment sales, hand-me-downs, etc. - you get the idea. Just as I feel that she's getting comfortable in her clothes, shoes, diapers or latest cuisine, she outgrows it or chooses to eat an entire avocado rather than her usual amount. She always keeps us on our toes, and keeps constant pressure on the demand portion of the economic curve.

Also, I'm always trying to come up with the latest baby crazed item....toy, safety item, food item, clothing item, book, sleep prop, etc. If you can come up with something that requires a yearly safety update, then you've hit a real gold mine. Update the product every few years, and you have a new market to tap. So far, I've come up with some pretty stellar ideas, and a lot of terrible ones, which may have been fueled by equal parts caffeine and lack of sleep.

All of this brings me to one point, I can't imagine my life any other way right now. It's great. I love shopping for Amelia, and seeing just what food she'll eat or try tonight. Usually I have a difficult time pulling my debit or credit card out of my wallet, but when those big blue eyes are accompanied by her smile, it just comes out of my wallet so much easier. I know - I know; it will only get worse as she gets older, as her toys become more expensive, and ultimately as she realizes that she has this power over me. My only hope is that I don't pick up the clothes, products, or food. Once I've passed that point of no return, the register beeps, and dollar signs are everywhere. It's just too easy to help the economy churn baby churn. See what I did there!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

8 for 8

This week I had my eighth first day of school on the other side of things; I'm not longer a student, but I still live my life by the school year.  This is my eighth year working as a school based Speech-Language Pathologist.  There is still so much that I haven't mastered, figured out, or even encountered yet.  In spite of that, there are a few things that I have learned that I'll impart to might come in handy if any of you decide you want to do my job at some point in the future.

1. Scheduling is most definitely one of the worst parts of the job.  It's not a fun puzzle and I can never make everyone happy, no matter how hard I try.  
2. The majority of people out there don't exactly know what I actually do.  
3. This is one of those jobs that lets me use every single one of my organizing tricks.  There's a great deal of information to keep in it's place and more data than anyone would want.
4. Testing is one of my favorite parts; I like to get to know new kids, to help to figure out what's going on and to provide other people with a piece of the puzzle.
5. Meetings start to become almost mundane.  Even though there is at least one meeting (usually more) for every student that I work with each year, no one claimed that they were always exciting.  I find myself getting into a groove, making the same jokes, and gliding through most of the explanations I have to give. 
6. Both adults and kids respond well to honesty, positivity and self-confidence.
7. I don't work in the schools for "summers off."  That's not one of the downsides of the job; I'm not saying that.  I am saying that the main reason that I work in the schools rather than a private practice or hospital or nursing home or rehab facility or wherever else is because it's a unique setting.  I am part of a team and I work with quite a few kids who would not receive services at all if they didn't get them at school.
8. Kids are awesome and you should write down the funny things they say.  Laugh when things are funny, embrace their awkwardness and enjoy being silly.  

If you've actually read this, thanks for humoring me. Happy first day of school week to you, Watauga County, and to anyone else in the same boat.   

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Eugoogaly for Summer 2015

            Today has come.  No matter how much I’ve concentrated on other things, the time passed.  And quickly. I may not be the most eloquent eugoogalizer, but at least with you, summer 2015, I know that we were close and that you’ll appreciate the thought behind the words.
            Since we knew this day would come, we had time to talk about the way summer 2015 wanted to be remembered.  Because we’ve been through so much together, summer 2015 asked me to keep it short and only hit the high spots.   To be honest, there were ups and downs.  Days when I even wished this day would come sooner.  Days filled with teething toddlers, a severe lack of adult conversation, packing boxes until later than I expected or spending more money than I should.  Mostly, though, the days were full of hugs, laughter, visits to the library or the playground, family vacation, books, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, lunch dates and walks on the greenway. I could go on and on, but I promised myself I wouldn’t get choked up.
            Summer 2015 taught me a lot.  We knew this relationship would be intense, albeit short.  Even so, I know that good things are coming.  This isn’t just an end; it’s also a beginning.  Summer 2015 promised me (and I do believe) that summer 2016 is coming.  There will be another summer.  I’ve also heard wonderful things about fall 2015, winter 2015 and even spring 2016.   I’m pretty sure there’s more to life than being really, really ridiculously summery…and, during the coming seasons, I plan on finding out what that is.

            So, summer 2015, I will miss you.  You were good to me and I’ll never forget you for that.  Goodbye, friend.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Top Ten July Thoughts

I’ve done it again.  I’ve let things continue to happen and pile up and I’ve left you, my oh-so-numerous faithful readers in the dark.  There has been so much happening that I’m at a loss of where to start.  So, this is going to be one of those disappointing posts…one of those where I cram so much in, that I run the risk of saying nothing.  Anyway, hope you can bear with me and read between some of the lines. Without further ado, here it is, the top ten things I have learned during the month of July (as always, in no particular order)…

1.   Buying a house does take more paperwork than an IEP.
When I run/participate in IEP meetings, I’ve gotten to the point where I have a loose script.  I make the same jokes in the same places where the paperwork itself is involved (of course, I do things completely differently depending on the child).  One of those jokes is about how much paperwork it is and how you don’t even get to own a house after all of those signatures.  I do better with it during the meetings…describing a joke always sucks the funny right out of it.  But, as of last Friday, when we closed on our house, I do admit that buying a house does take more paperwork.  During this one, it wasn’t overwhelming or confusing, but it was a ridiculous amount of signatures and taking.

2. Amelia loves the beach, the pool and all forms of water (and also does not mind the taste of sand).
I knew this would be the case, but it is crazy how much she loves the water.  She loves splashing and feeling it and looking at it.  She also loves being independent and so, her shark float gave her a taste of that when swimming in the pool on vacation in Williamsburg.  It is amazing to see her experience things for the first time and the beach did not disappoint.

3. Amelia couldn’t care less if I stay with her when we go somewhere new.
She does not meet strangers and is so brave right now.  Whether it changes or not, it’s such a fun part of her personality right now.  It’s been especially evident this summer when we have visited her new daycare and when we have gone to Baby Lap Time.

4. Movers don’t read all of your meticulous labels, just most.
Not to brag, but the movers we hired may have complimented my labeling system.  I was finally able to do a move the way I wanted to, and it paid off. We have been able to find everything.  However, in spite of the compliments, the movers still didn’t read all of the labels or follow all of my directions.  No worries.  The best laid plans…

5. Kalamata purple walls are awesome.
We painted an accent wall in Amelia’s new room purple.  This is her third room in 14 months and I do think that even though she’s had to deal with all of that, she’s moved up in the world each time.  This time, the purple wall, is the big difference.  It makes it feel a little more hers and a little more steady.  We were nervous, but it works. 

6. To a 1 year old, inside bubble parties can make up for a pool being closed.
While we were on vacation, we made an attempt at going to the pool in between supper and bedtime.  We were thwarted by a thunderstorm at the last second.  Amelia was disappointed and so, we went back to our condo where six adults and Amelia proceeded to have an inside bubble party facilitated by Nana.  She loved it.  We should all be a little more like kids in our excitement over the little things.

7. Scout is more adaptable than anyone believes, especially when Frosty Paws are involved.
Scout may go on hunger strike whenever moving boxes or suitcases or anything else terrifying is involved, but she is ok.  She has already figured out her new house and is doing better than at this point last year when we moved to Boone.  Frosty Paws are dog ice cream and when Scout has them, she forgets all her troubles.  We’ve only gone through a few so far.

8. Unpacking makes everyone feel like they have all new things.
When Amelia saw her new room for the first time after we had set it up, you would have thought it was Christmas morning.  She was thrilled and spent quite a while looking at all of her things through new eyes.  It was a joyful reunion that almost made all of the packing worth it.  It definitely made it worth it that Amelia’s room was 100% finished when no other boxes had been opened, much less unpacked.

9. I have absolutely no regrets about doing nothing related to my job this summer.
I have chosen to do my job in a setting where I work ten months of the year.  The pay and honestly, the level of respect and prestige directly correlate with that. I have also made the conscious choice that my job will not be my entire life, whether during the school year or during school breaks.  This summer I have chosen not to do anything work related.  I have spent my time with my family and have avoided work related distraction.  I do my job and I do it to the best of my ability; hopefully that means I do it well.  However, there are and will always be things I could be doing for work; I could work for twenty four hours, seven days a week and probably always find things I could do.  Some people choose to do that, and that’s their call.  The first few weeks of the school year will most definitely be tougher than they could be for me.  However, this was Amelia’s only second summer and I would have never gotten that back.  I will never regret the time that I have spent with her or that I have been wholly present during that time.

10. I will miss Amelia more than I ever anticipated.
I knew that the summer was going to end.  I knew that she would start her new school, that I would go back to work soon afterwards, that we would find a new routine.  I also know that she will be clean, safe and have absolutely no worries when I leave her in her new classroom.  That is a wonderfully comforting thought.  All of that aside, I will miss her.  We have had a summer together.  We have spent nearly all of her waking hours together.  I am not sure I would be cut out to be a stay-at-home mom and don’t have the option anyway.  This is good for her and good for me.  Right now, I am comfortable with our plan and our situation.  I will miss her though, every day and now, on the eve of her first day at a new school, I have abruptly realized that I will miss her more than I ever thought possible.